
Showing posts from September, 2018

Sunday September 30th 2018 - Day 2572 - Uncomfortably numb

Morrissey appeared in The Wrong Arms last night, from about 10pm to 11pm, but I wasn't around, so missed him. He tweeted as both @BRSChairman; who we haven't seen around these parts for quite some time, and @FeebleFedelma, but both accounts have now been closed, so I can't see what was said. It looks as if he was despairing about something or other, and I have a feeling it may have been the parody piece that I published on Thursday. If it was that, I'm not surprised he was despairing, it wasn't exactly my finest hour as a writer of parody, but as I knocked it up in about half an hour, it's hardly surprising. As Dan 'Ricky' Abnormal wrote in the comments section, "You should've left it". Needless to say, there will be no Part 2! The closing of the twitter accounts makes me think that Morrissey is now flying back to LA. Back in the old MorrisseysWorld days he would often have a session in The Arms the night before a long flight, and it usual...

Thursday September 27th 2018 - Day 2569 - Lessons in love (A Parody)

The setting is a suite in the Dorchester Hotel in London. Present are: the seminal artist/former lead singer of the Smiths, Morrissey, Morrissey's long-time writing partner/multi-instrumentalist/Greggs shareholder/wine-maker/Pole Cat/musical director, Martin 'Boz' Boorer, guitarist/former member of Splendid, Jesse Tobias, towel wafter/bag carrier/quiff arranger, Damon Anacreonte and multi award winning funny man, Ricky Gervais. It is present day. A large wall-mounted screen is showing footage of Johnny Marr in concert. He is singing the song, Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me. Morrissey is holding a remote control and pauses the video. MORRISSEY (addressing Jesse): Well, what do you make of that? JESSE (speaking in a thick Spanish accent): I no want to say. You 'ave treeked me beef four with ree-gards to these man and I wheel not fall into your trap again. MORRISSEY (speaking to Ricky): What did he say? I couldn't understand a sodding word. GERVAIS (grinnin...

Tuesday September 25th 2018 - Day 2567 - Give us a drink

Morrissey hasn't had a 'session' in The Wrong Arms for a number of weeks now, but he is obviously still keeping an eye on the world's only Morrissey themed internet pub, as is proven by the fact that he occasionally pops in from time to time to leave the odd comment..... not that his comments are odd, what I mean is, oh, you know what I mean.... Yesterday was one of those such days, with Morrissey popping in at 4.37pm to leave comment on a video clip posted by Portland Jo (@lifeisapigsty_) of Johnny Marr singing Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me. Morrissey (as @Alfsbutton) tweeted, "Oh give us a drink and make it quick". FRANK VULGAR - PUBLICAN Morrissey obviously doesn't think much to Johnny's version of the Last Night I Dreamt, and it is hardly surprising. When Morrissey sings it , it is an emotional song filled with utter despair, but the only despair to come from Johnny's emotionless ploddy version is that felt by the listener. I won...

Friday September 21st 2018 - Day 2564 - Close the barn door

There has been no sign of Our Mozzer in The Arms, but 'the real Moz' has been sited in the G Wienholt Bakery in Alderley Edge, Cheshire - obviously buying pain-au-raisin, although in the old MorrisseysWorld parodies, the pain-au-raisin would always come from Greggs or the Co-op , NEVER from such a posh local such as G Wienholt. Things must be on the up! There have also been a couple of statements posted by M on Morrissey Central. Here is the first: THE RIGHT ONE IS LEFT For historical note, please be aware that my July concerts were not cancelled due to pressure from Love Hate And Racism. Yes, I am aware that certain UK hatepapers claimed a victory for Love Hate And Racism, but this, I can assure you, is just their life-destructive fantasy world rattling along in search of respectability. I sincerely hope that they find it. However, the British Arts are seriously under time-bomb attack by pearl-clutching print journalists whose fashionable outrage is their only oxygen. They wri...

Wednesday September 19th 2018 - Day 2562 - Alright!

Our Mozzer (as @Alfsbutton) yesterday popped into The Wrong Arms, but only to reply to one question from @AngieShepherd13 who had asked, "@Alfsbutton Hiya, y'alright? xx". The reply; which came at 2.31pm (LA time) was, "Under the normal definition? No, I an not. Under my own definition, yes." ALRIGHT IN LA In other news, Morrissey is to play concerts in Ventura and San Diego, with a band called  Starcrawler supporting in SD. On the first few listens, I can't say that Starcrawler have grabbed me in the way that LP has, but maybe they will grow on me.

Thursday September 13th 2018 - Day 2556 - Excited!

These past two days has seen me do very little other than binge-listen to LP's fourth LP, Lost On You - WHAT AN ALBUM! WHAT A VOICE! WHAT A WHISTLER! I have no idea how I have never heard of this wonderful artist before, but now that I have, I am filling my boots. Once I've exhausted Lost On You; which may be some time yet, I will move onto LP's first three LPs - for now, Morrissey's music can take a back seat. My favourite songs from the album so far are: Lost On You (which has had an incredible 213 million plays on Youtube and 117 million plays on Spotify.... plus 128 million views for a 'live in session' version on Youtube ), Switchblade , Suspicion , Tightrope , Strange, Up Against Me and my very favourite, Other People. LP AND MORRISSEY LP has a 'TCB' (Taking Care of Business) tattoo on her arm, which I am presuming is a nod to Elvis (as opposed to a nod to Liam Gallagher who has a similar tattoo), so I can't help but wonder if Morrissey and...

Tuesday September 11th 2018 - Day 2554 - Love bites

When I have nothing Moz related to write about I quite often post old FTM entires on Twitter, just as a reminder of things that have happened on our journey. This morning was one of those such times, and I posted Day 2288 (from Sept 11th 2017), Day 1092 (Sept 11th 2014) and Day 730 (Sept 13th 2013). Rather unexpectedly, and to my delight, Morrissey appeared (as @FeebleFedelma) at 1.36pm (6.36am LA time) and posted a couple of comments. On the FTM entry from Sept 11th 2014; which among other things included a conversation between myself and Moz about him going to France and Poland, I received the comment: "Ah yes. My leaked travel plans." My blog entry of Sept 11th 2017 was about Low in High School, and when I tweeted the link to it, I also wrote, "Did Morrissey later state that the cover wasn't his choice?" - I wrote this because I genuinely couldn't remember if he really had said it, or I'd imagined it. Feeble Fed sarcastically replied, "No flie...

Tuesday September 4th 2018 - Day 2547 - "I prefer to thrust"

It has been three weeks since I last blogged, but it hasn't been through laziness, I have just had nothing to write about. I guess I could have written about my first ever cricket hundred; which coincidentally was scored at the cricket ground that Morrissey once said he wanted to play at with me,  but none of my blog readers would have been interested in that..... unless of course Morrissey had happened to have been playing too, which funnily enough, he wasn't! MORRISSEY BATTING AGAINST THE WEST INDIES IN 1963 The reason I have returned to blogging today is because Our Mozzer has posted a couple of tweets; the first at 2.54am Sunday morning (6.54pm Saturday LA time) and the other today at 1.53pm (5.53am LA time). Here they are: Saturday 6.54pm: "And I dream of the things I'll do. With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside my shoe." Tuesday 5.53am: "Some decide their fate and others have fate thrust upon them. I prefer to thrust." The tweet from Satur...