Sunday September 30th 2018 - Day 2572 - Uncomfortably numb

Morrissey appeared in The Wrong Arms last night, from about 10pm to 11pm, but I wasn't around, so missed him. He tweeted as both @BRSChairman; who we haven't seen around these parts for quite some time, and @FeebleFedelma, but both accounts have now been closed, so I can't see what was said. It looks as if he was despairing about something or other, and I have a feeling it may have been the parody piece that I published on Thursday. If it was that, I'm not surprised he was despairing, it wasn't exactly my finest hour as a writer of parody, but as I knocked it up in about half an hour, it's hardly surprising. As Dan 'Ricky' Abnormal wrote in the comments section, "You should've left it". Needless to say, there will be no Part 2!

The closing of the twitter accounts makes me think that Morrissey is now flying back to LA. Back in the old MorrisseysWorld days he would often have a session in The Arms the night before a long flight, and it usually ended with him closing the accounts. Perhaps I am wrong, and maybe he is still in the UK (or Switzerland, or wherever else he may well have been in the first place) and will appear on twitter again today, but I bet I am right, and I bet we don't see him in The Arms again before the concerts start at the end of October.

In other news, I'm feeling a bit, er, lost. My youngest child left home last weekend to go to university in Newcastle, and so the next chapter of my life has begun, but instead of making a start on all those books I planned to read, or all those films I planned to watch, or all those cities I planned to visit, or all those plays I planned to write, I have found myself sitting in front of the television most of the time feeling uncomfortably numb. I'm sure that once I get my head around what is commonly known as Empty Nest Syndrome, I will soon be back to my normal, abnormal self - roll on those Moz concerts.


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