Day 2335 - BrightOn rOck
On September 19th published a review of Spent The Day In Bed and Morrissey himself; as Alfs Button, took to the comments section of the article to interact with some of the people leaving comment - I previously mentioned this on Day 2296 of FTM . One of the people commenting on The Guardian article wrote, "I can't wait to hear the latest offerings from the world's greatest lyricist. I do hope he will tour the UK next year - he is missed so much." Alf Button replied to this with, "Watch this space." Yesterday, that watched space was filled....we have a UK tour! The news of the tour was broken by the Official Moz twitter account just after 9am, in the form of a one minute video of concert footage accompanied by some old song or other from an opera.... I am uncultured in such things! Clever 'Eather informs me that the operatic piece is Vissi d'arte from Puccini's Tosca . It is sung by Floria Tosca as she thinks of her fate. She si...