
Showing posts from October, 2017

Day 2335 - BrightOn rOck

On September 19th published a review of Spent The Day In Bed and Morrissey himself; as Alfs Button,  took to the comments section of the article to interact with some of the people leaving comment - I previously mentioned this on Day 2296 of FTM . One of the people commenting on The Guardian article wrote, "I can't wait to hear the latest offerings from the world's greatest lyricist. I do hope he will tour the UK next year - he is missed so much." Alf Button replied to this with, "Watch this space." Yesterday, that watched space was filled....we have a UK tour! The news of the tour was broken by the Official Moz twitter account just after 9am, in the form of a one minute video of concert footage accompanied by some old song or other from an opera.... I am uncultured in such things! Clever 'Eather informs me that the operatic piece is Vissi d'arte from Puccini's Tosca . It is sung by Floria Tosca as she thinks of her fate. She si...

Day 2333 - Alf's parting gift

Yesterday I reported that Morrissey had left us , but what I didn't realise yesterday was that before leaving, Morrissey had left a little gift for the Blue Rose Society and frequenters of The Wrong Arms. Our Mozzer's gift is a photo, posted on his official Facebook page on Tuesday. I hadn't seen it, as I don't have FB, but Jaz let me know about it yesterday evening. On Tuesday afternoon, the Morrissey Official Facebook page posted a photograph of Morrissey sat on his own in a pub that looks very similar to The Wrong Arms. Along with the photo are the words: I wish you lonely. Photo: Hamish Brown. To the outside world, the photo and message look like a simple plug for the new single, but there are a few things that make it so much more: Firstly, the Facebook message mentions the name of the photographer, Hamish Brown. Morrissey doesn't usually bother to add the photographer's name when he posts pictures of himself on Facebook or Twitter, so why this time? The an...

Day 2332 - gOne gOne gOne

Ladies and gentlemen, the seminal artist has now left the building. Late on Monday afternoon, Morrissey - as AlfsButton - popped into The Wrong Arms and tweeted, "Goodbye" . He then immediately closed the AlfsButton twitter account. There are now no MorrisseysWorld related twitter accounts remaining. Another chapter in the MorrisseysWorld story has come to an end. We now look to the next chapter, and towards the stage to see if someone can get a blue rose to Morrissey. The tour starts in just six days time, in Portland. The newest BRS member, @LifeIsAPigsty_ will be taking a blue rose to Portland, and we also have other BRS members taking roses to concerts throughout the tour including: the BRS Vice President, Angie on November 18th, and the BRS President, Kyle, on December 2nd. No doubt Jaz and Jesse, who have both previously managed to get a blue rose to Morrissey , will also be doing their best to deliver one again. MORRISSEY HOLDING JESSE'S BLUE ROSE IN BROOKLYN - SEP...

Day 2330 - Reviewing the Situation (Part 3)

The setting is a bar, somewhere in LA. Present are Jesse Tobias (Guitarist), Martin 'Boz' Boorer (Musician, second-hand record shop owner and wine maker), Michael Bracewell (former novelist), Gustavo Manzur (multi talented musician), Mando Lopez (bass player), and Morrissey (seminal artist). Matthew Walker (drummer) is in the toilet. It is present day. Michael Bracewell picks up Mojo magazine from the table, and reads aloud the review for Low In High School. BRACEWELL: The heading reads, "See me after class: B plus for music but C minus for attitude, says Pat Gilbert." He's then given it three stars. MORRISSEY: It's no doubt as high as the poor sod can count. I blame his webbed fingers. It's a miracle in itself that he manages to type. Perhaps he dictates. BOZ: Like you, Moz. MORRISSEY: The difference being, Boz, that I dictate because I am a seminal artist of thirty five years standing in the music industry; and therefore have earned the right to dictat...

Day 2328 - Reviewing the Situation (Part 2)

The setting is a bar, somewhere in LA. Present are Jesse Tobias (Guitarist), Martin 'Boz' Boorer (Musician, second-hand record shop owner and wine maker), Michael Bracewell (former novelist), Gustavo Manzur (multi talented musician), Mando Lopez (bass player), and Morrissey. Matthew Walker (drummer) is in the toilet. It is present day. Michael Bracewell is reading a review written by Stephen Trouss� for Uncut magazine BRACEWELL: "From the very start he was putting a laugh on a song about the Moors Murderers, singing about molesting students, celebrating 13 year old cop killers and lamenting the failure of the IRA to assassinate Thatcher"- MORRISSEY: -You could have edited all of that out, Mikey, move on to the section after Mr Pencil dick mentions my, "vile politics". It never ceases to amaze me how these people think my political views are vile. I hated Thatcher, just like everyone else, I hate Trump, just like everyone else, I despised the pig-fucker, Came...

Day 2327 - Reviewing the situation (Part 1)

The setting is a bar, somewhere in LA. Present are Jesse Tobias (Guitarist), Martin 'Boz' Boorer (Musician, second-hand record shop owner and wine maker), Michael Bracewell (former novelist), Gustavo Manzur (multi talented musician), Mando Lopez (bass player), Matthew Walker (drummer) and Morrissey. It is present day. Morrissey is gazing out the window. Bracewell is flicking through a magazine, and has other magazines and newspapers on the table in front of him. The others are supping their pints of lager. MORRISSEY: Mikey, read that review to me again. BRACEWELL: Which one? MORRISSEY: The one that starts with the heading, "Sham 69 meets David Icke!". Obviously what it should read is, 'The Ramones meet David Lynch', but one has long since given up on the English music press. BRACEWELL: Why do you want to hear it again? We've already concluded that the whole review is a waste of ink and paper. MORRISSEY: You know why, Mikey, you know why. Boz Boorer sinks t...

Day 2326 - No go Bow

It was one month ago today that Spent the Day In Bed hit the airwaves, and although the song hasn't managed to break into the Top 100; which is full of songs streamed by the kids, it is getting lots of radio airplay, and the two videos (lyric and official) have so far amassed over 1 million views between them. The 7" version is being released next week, which will no doubt be Number 1 in the Vinyl Chart. All in all, the single is a huge success, and all bodes well for the LP; although the first review of the LP to have hit print, is by a fuckwit called Stephen Trouss�, whose opening sentence in Uncut magazine is, "By not dying young, Morrissey robbed the world of a great artist." I didn't bother  to read the rest of the review, after all, why would I care what this dullard thinks? Why would I care what anyone thinks? Everyone's a critic, but only I am I, and only I will decide what I like and what I don't like. The Queen is Dead gets a re-issue tomorrow,...

Day 2324 - Spent the day in Peckham

Morrissey has released the official video for Spent The Day In Bed, which features both the currently banned footballer, Joey Barton , and the 'anti-drag queen', David Hoyle . DAVID HOYLE - VIDEO STAR It had previously been mentioned by Barton that Alan Bennett was also supposed to be featuring in the video, but that didn't transpire. The video is set in Peckham Liberal Club, and starts with Barton wheeling Morrissey into the club in a wheelchair - a modern day Lou & Andy - before then cutting to the ceiling of the club, which has the words Spent the Day in Bed written on it. The square ceiling tiles have instantly made me think of Johnny Marr, as he uses such imagery in a lot of his work, so I am pretty certain that this is a Morrissey nod to Marr. PECKHAM LIBERAL CLUB, WITH IT'S SQUARE CEILING TILES - A NOD TO MARR? For the majority of the video, Morrissey is sat on a stool singing, whilst his band play their instruments. David Hoyle enters the stage for the, ...

Day 2320 - "No wages, no light, no heat, no food...oh"

Yesterday I made mention of the lyric change made by Morrissey in Berlin at the end of Spent the Day in Bed - "No wages, no light, no heat, no food...oh" . Morrissey (as Morfessa) had hinted on Twitter yesterday morning, that there was a reason for this lyric change, but all I could think of was the song from the film Oliver! that I had tweeted last week. It was a very flimsy connection, and it turns out that I was very wrong. Following on from me publishing yesterday's blog entry, Heather left this comment: "Morrissey's "no wages" comment reminded me of this part of Review of the Reviewers, referenced in your previous blog entry: "Besides, with winter coming, I need the coppers, what with the ever-rising overheads and severe levels of true inflation. At least Penguin Classics will guarantee a certain old pop singer, and now major author, won't have to switch the lights off early on his next self-financed South American tour, won't have ...

Day 2319 - Good morning campers

Berlin... WHAT A SHOW! Yesterday evening's show in Berlin was streamed live, which was the next best thing to actually being there. The venue was a nightclub called Schwuz; which is billed as Berlin's Number 1 Gay club, with  an audience that were clearly up for having a good night - the polar opposite of the lifeless, left wing luvvies who made up the crowd at Maida Vale last week. Former BRS member, Chuck, was in the front row at Schwuz, and the TV cameraman seemed to like her, as he kept focusing the camera towards her. The opener in Berlin was Alma Matters, which has always been a song that the BRS associate with; not only for the numerous MorrisseysWorld related hand gestures that Morrissey has made during the song over the past six years, but mainly because of it being the song that Morrissey accepted a blue rose during, at Hollywood High School in 2013 . There were no hand gestures on this occasion, and no blue roses for Morrissey to accept. The second song was one of th...

Day 2317 - The Unjust Judge John Weeks

Today I was intending to write about something that I recently stumbled upon, which made me believe more than ever that Morrissey was stitched-up at his Supreme Court trial in 1996, but I have this morning realised that my discovery isn't a revelation, as I had thought, but something that is already known, particularly to Morrissey. My (non)discovery is that Judge John Weeks; who resided over Joyce vs Morrissey & Marr , is a hunt supporter , and therefore was always going to be prejudice against the writer of ' Meat is Murder ' before the case even began....but I'd forgotten that Morrissey had mentioned that in his Autobiography. I had also forgotten, until I re-read it in  Autobiography this morning, that Weeks was appointed to the position of circuit judge under Margaret Thatcher, so the fact that Morrissey had also written a song called ' Margaret on the Guillotine ' was ALWAYS going to mean Weeks would rule against Morrissey, WHATEVER the evidence, a...

Day 2316 - A Journalist who lies, one who doesn't, and one who doesn't do much at all

There has still been no further sign of Our Mozzer since his tweeting of last Thursday, although I have noticed that the AlfsButton account 'liked' a tweet I posted regarding the officialMoz twitter account posting a picture of Oscar Wilde just a couple of hours after I featured an Oscar photo on my blog - as I reported on Day 2312 of FTM . The masses, as ever, failed to put two and two together, although in fairness the masses don't actually read my blog, so how would they know that there was any meaning to Morrissey posting an Oscar photo? Our secret society remains just that, secret, with the Unofficial Morrissey twitter account having just 101 followers, of which probably only 20/30 have any idea that it is actually the real Morrissey. The OfficialMoz twitter account; which now has 99,926 followers, has been in action over the weekend, posting a Morrissey photo from the archives. And on the subject of archives, Our Mozzer still hasn't posted an old MorrisseysWorld...