Day 2316 - A Journalist who lies, one who doesn't, and one who doesn't do much at all
There has still been no further sign of Our Mozzer since his tweeting of last Thursday, although I have noticed that the AlfsButton account 'liked' a tweet I posted regarding the officialMoz twitter account posting a picture of Oscar Wilde just a couple of hours after I featured an Oscar photo on my blog - as I reported on Day 2312 of FTM. The masses, as ever, failed to put two and two together, although in fairness the masses don't actually read my blog, so how would they know that there was any meaning to Morrissey posting an Oscar photo? Our secret society remains just that, secret, with the Unofficial Morrissey twitter account having just 101 followers, of which probably only 20/30 have any idea that it is actually the real Morrissey.
The OfficialMoz twitter account; which now has 99,926 followers, has been in action over the weekend, posting a Morrissey photo from the archives.
And on the subject of archives, Our Mozzer still hasn't posted an old MorrisseysWorld classic, as recently hinted by Morfessa, nor indeed a new parody piece, which was hinted at by Alf. You do sometimes have to wonder if Weeks was right....Oh, that reminds me, I discovered something VERY interesting the other day, which could explain why Morrissey lost his court case in 1996, and it has NOTHING to do with what was right and wrong, and all to do with Judge John Weeks and his 'hobby' - I shall dedicate a whole blog entry to it tomorrow.
The full 'three song Morrissey set' from the 'Later with Jools Holland' show was broadcast on Saturday, with I Wish You Lonely and All The Young People Must Fall In Love joining the previously broadcast, Spent The Day In Bed. The new songs already feel like old friends, and it is incredible to think that we only heard them for the first time a week ago today. All six of the new songs that were aired in Maida Vale last week (along with Back on the Chain Gang) have been on my iPhone since they were uploaded to Youtube last Monday. I can honestly say that I love each and every one of them, which I haven't said about an album since, well, World Peace Is None of Your Business.
Last Thursday I wrote about the ridiculous bollocks that was being written about Morrissey by; the media, the public and his own fans, following his mention of the UKIP leadership vote being rigged. Unfortunately this drivel has continued, and on Saturday, the Morrissey-Solo website highlighted a piece in the Irish Times by a particularly sad little bald man who goes by the unadventurous name of, Donald Clarke (@donaldclarke63). Clarke obviously has a long-time dislike of Morrissey, and his piece is merely propaganda. It starts with the headline, 'The game is up for Morrissey the reactionary', before then laying into Morrissey with all that Clarke's got...which isn't much.
Clarke lays the foundations for his onslaught by repeating the following quote from Morrissey given in 2007, "The higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears". If this was Donald's way of loading his gun, then his ammunition was soaked through, as that observation of Morrissey's from 2007 was just that, an observation; although even if it was an observation which he supported, it is hardly an unpopular one, as open border immigration was one of the main reasons that the UK voted to withdraw from the EU last summer - the British identity is changing. This isn't a racist statement, or an anti-immigration statement, it is an observational fact.
Anyway, I won't bother to repeat the rest of Clarke's bullshit, other than this one quote from his article, "he (Morrissey) said the Ukip leadership election was rigged to ensure an anti-Islam activist did not win". This is an outrageous lie, Morrissey said no such thing. He made no mention of Islam whatsoever. I was so annoyed by this lie that I searched for Clarke on twitter and asked him if Morrissey really had made this statement. Clarke replied, "Yes", and with that, any credibility he may ever have had was gone.
Morrissey-Solo - a one time Morrissey fan-site which in recent years has become an online Morrissey hate club - was quick to promote Clarke's bullshit anti-Morrissey propaganda, and yet NOWHERE on So-low is there mention of the piece written for the Telegraph by James Hall, which has NO agenda, and gives a balanced and honest account of Morrissey's set at Maida Vale. Hall, a slightly receding and rather attractive man with a good solid name writes, "a cracking set of songs that brought to mind the best of his 30-year solo career." He added, "I Wish You Lonely proved that he has lost none of his political bite... Spent the Day in Bed was jaunty, almost funky.....When You Open Your Legs has the kind of soaring chorus not heard since First of the Gang to Die back in 2004.... It all suggested that next month's new album, Low in High School could be classic Morrissey: musically adventurous, witty and political."
As to Morrissey's comment about the UKIP leadership battle being rigged, Hall wrote, "Was he being sarcastic? Genuinely concerned? Are we meant to have known this? Is it even true? Do we care?". No interpretation of Morrissey's words for his own agenda, just a report of the facts. I'm not sure that I've ever actually complemented a journalist in my blog before, but congratulations, James Hall.
I must make mention of one other journalist today, Andy Greene from Rolling Stone magazine. Andy has managed to bag himself a Morrissey interview, but his five questions are dreadful, and we learn absolutely nothing. Andy should perhaps read one or two of my Morrissey interviews.
Right, that's it. I shall be back tomorrow with my revelation about Judge John Weeks.
Morrissey today plays on a French TV show and then next up is a show in Berlin on Wednesday. Will anyone offer him a blue rose?
*Goes off singing* Little men, typing things out, points of view, remember their views are not the gospel truth. Don't believe it all, find out for yourself, check before you spread, News of the World
The OfficialMoz twitter account; which now has 99,926 followers, has been in action over the weekend, posting a Morrissey photo from the archives.
And on the subject of archives, Our Mozzer still hasn't posted an old MorrisseysWorld classic, as recently hinted by Morfessa, nor indeed a new parody piece, which was hinted at by Alf. You do sometimes have to wonder if Weeks was right....Oh, that reminds me, I discovered something VERY interesting the other day, which could explain why Morrissey lost his court case in 1996, and it has NOTHING to do with what was right and wrong, and all to do with Judge John Weeks and his 'hobby' - I shall dedicate a whole blog entry to it tomorrow.
The full 'three song Morrissey set' from the 'Later with Jools Holland' show was broadcast on Saturday, with I Wish You Lonely and All The Young People Must Fall In Love joining the previously broadcast, Spent The Day In Bed. The new songs already feel like old friends, and it is incredible to think that we only heard them for the first time a week ago today. All six of the new songs that were aired in Maida Vale last week (along with Back on the Chain Gang) have been on my iPhone since they were uploaded to Youtube last Monday. I can honestly say that I love each and every one of them, which I haven't said about an album since, well, World Peace Is None of Your Business.
Last Thursday I wrote about the ridiculous bollocks that was being written about Morrissey by; the media, the public and his own fans, following his mention of the UKIP leadership vote being rigged. Unfortunately this drivel has continued, and on Saturday, the Morrissey-Solo website highlighted a piece in the Irish Times by a particularly sad little bald man who goes by the unadventurous name of, Donald Clarke (@donaldclarke63). Clarke obviously has a long-time dislike of Morrissey, and his piece is merely propaganda. It starts with the headline, 'The game is up for Morrissey the reactionary', before then laying into Morrissey with all that Clarke's got...which isn't much.
Clarke lays the foundations for his onslaught by repeating the following quote from Morrissey given in 2007, "The higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears". If this was Donald's way of loading his gun, then his ammunition was soaked through, as that observation of Morrissey's from 2007 was just that, an observation; although even if it was an observation which he supported, it is hardly an unpopular one, as open border immigration was one of the main reasons that the UK voted to withdraw from the EU last summer - the British identity is changing. This isn't a racist statement, or an anti-immigration statement, it is an observational fact.
Anyway, I won't bother to repeat the rest of Clarke's bullshit, other than this one quote from his article, "he (Morrissey) said the Ukip leadership election was rigged to ensure an anti-Islam activist did not win". This is an outrageous lie, Morrissey said no such thing. He made no mention of Islam whatsoever. I was so annoyed by this lie that I searched for Clarke on twitter and asked him if Morrissey really had made this statement. Clarke replied, "Yes", and with that, any credibility he may ever have had was gone.
Morrissey-Solo - a one time Morrissey fan-site which in recent years has become an online Morrissey hate club - was quick to promote Clarke's bullshit anti-Morrissey propaganda, and yet NOWHERE on So-low is there mention of the piece written for the Telegraph by James Hall, which has NO agenda, and gives a balanced and honest account of Morrissey's set at Maida Vale. Hall, a slightly receding and rather attractive man with a good solid name writes, "a cracking set of songs that brought to mind the best of his 30-year solo career." He added, "I Wish You Lonely proved that he has lost none of his political bite... Spent the Day in Bed was jaunty, almost funky.....When You Open Your Legs has the kind of soaring chorus not heard since First of the Gang to Die back in 2004.... It all suggested that next month's new album, Low in High School could be classic Morrissey: musically adventurous, witty and political."
As to Morrissey's comment about the UKIP leadership battle being rigged, Hall wrote, "Was he being sarcastic? Genuinely concerned? Are we meant to have known this? Is it even true? Do we care?". No interpretation of Morrissey's words for his own agenda, just a report of the facts. I'm not sure that I've ever actually complemented a journalist in my blog before, but congratulations, James Hall.
I must make mention of one other journalist today, Andy Greene from Rolling Stone magazine. Andy has managed to bag himself a Morrissey interview, but his five questions are dreadful, and we learn absolutely nothing. Andy should perhaps read one or two of my Morrissey interviews.
Right, that's it. I shall be back tomorrow with my revelation about Judge John Weeks.
Morrissey today plays on a French TV show and then next up is a show in Berlin on Wednesday. Will anyone offer him a blue rose?
*Goes off singing* Little men, typing things out, points of view, remember their views are not the gospel truth. Don't believe it all, find out for yourself, check before you spread, News of the World
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