Tuesday October 9th 2018 - Day 2581 - Still W'OO'ndering
Two tweets from Broken is all there has been from the 'online Morrissey' in the past seventy two hours - one can only presume he is busily working away at that new parody piece we were promised..... or maybe not!
On Saturday morning Broken replied to a tweet from Marcus the Greek (@PapaSonsFilm), who had tweeted to say that he had saved him a piece of cake. Broken's very humorous response was, "Bin it". His other tweet was yesterday morning, responding to a tweet of mine. Wolf66 (@wolf66_m) had asked me if Broken always appeared in the MorrisseysWorld parody pieces as an addition to Morrissey. I replied, "Don't ask me to try and explain anything! Broken is an enigma." Broken's charming response to this was, "And you bloody couldn't even if I wasn't."
Of course, the person tweeting as Broken might not have been Morrissey. As we know from previous experience, Morrissey hasn't always been the person who tweets as Broken, as on occasions Broken has tweeted whilst Morrissey is on stage - such as in Dublin in December 2014.
One time that there can be NO disputing that it was definitely Morrissey tweeting as Broken, was on the afternoon of Monday March 4th 2013, when Broken tweeted, "Well I W'OO'nder". Seven hours after that tweet, during the pause in Speedway, Morrissey sang, "Gasping, dying, but somehow still alive, this is the fierce last stand of all I am, please keep me in mind" - it was one of the biggest 'coincidences' of our journey, but as the weird tweeter called Broken had hardly any followers, it of course, went unnoticed.
Re-watching that clip of Well I Wonder has made me yearn to see the whole song live. That snippet in Davis is the only time that Morrissey has sung it on stage EVER - including his time in The Smiths.
In my previous blog entry, I invited my readers to list their twelve favourite Morrissey songs from the past decade. EARS, Heather, Boozey Kez, Wolf, Harrison Strangeboy, Fancy, Portland Pigsty Jo, Matt Starling and Mancladmozfan all posted their favourites, and between the ten of us, we came up with 44 different songs as favourites - not many other artists would manage that, and it just goes to prove what a catalogue Morrissey has. No one shared my love of I Bury the Living and only Heather was with me on You'll Be Gone - each to their own.
Here are the twelve songs with the most votes - interestingly a very equal spread of tracks from each period of the decade. I really should have let people include the Swords songs that were post 2008 - oh well!
Top 12 Morrissey Songs 2008-2018 (as chosen by the Dreary Deluded, er, ten)
1. Israel
2. Home is a Question Mark
3. Black Cloud
4. Staircase at the University
5. All You Need is Me
6. Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up on the Stage
7. Istanbul
8. When Lat I Spoke to Carol
9. In Your Lap
10. Kiss Me a Lot
11. I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris
12. Action is My Middle Name
In my previous blog entry, I invited my readers to list their twelve favourite Morrissey songs from the past decade. EARS, Heather, Boozey Kez, Wolf, Harrison Strangeboy, Fancy, Portland Pigsty Jo, Matt Starling and Mancladmozfan all posted their favourites, and between the ten of us, we came up with 44 different songs as favourites - not many other artists would manage that, and it just goes to prove what a catalogue Morrissey has. No one shared my love of I Bury the Living and only Heather was with me on You'll Be Gone - each to their own.
Here are the twelve songs with the most votes - interestingly a very equal spread of tracks from each period of the decade. I really should have let people include the Swords songs that were post 2008 - oh well!
Top 12 Morrissey Songs 2008-2018 (as chosen by the Dreary Deluded, er, ten)
1. Israel
2. Home is a Question Mark
3. Black Cloud
4. Staircase at the University
5. All You Need is Me
6. Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up on the Stage
7. Istanbul
8. When Lat I Spoke to Carol
9. In Your Lap
10. Kiss Me a Lot
11. I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris
12. Action is My Middle Name
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