Thursday October 4th 2018 - Day 2576 - Difficult and raw

Last night I found Our Mozzer - in the guise of our favourite lighthouse keeper, Dawn Mist - alone in the back bar of The Wrong Arms, so I stopped by for a chat.

Our conversation was initially about writing articles for newspapers, and then it moved onto the regulars of The Wrong Arms. Our Mozzer stated how he likes @wolf_m and @bartlettpr, and I agreed. They have both taken the time to actually read the old FTM entries and find things out for themselves, as opposed to just dismissing the whole thing or accepting someone else's word.

We then talked about life's takers, and how when they fail to get what they want, move on. M stated, "The story is old...". I asked if that was a clue to a song on the upcoming tour setlist, but got the reply, "no". I also asked if we would be getting The World is Full of Crashing Bores, but again got a, "no".


We then had the following conversation:

MOZ: I was listening to Quarry earlier. Nostalgia. It's probably my favourite album in all honesty.... well for today anyway.

ME: I've been listening to it a lot lately. Lazy Dykes regularly makes me shed a tear. It remains my favourite LP.

MOZ: And your least favourite. Be honest please.

ME: Uncle & Southpaw. And most of Maladjusted, although it is saved by some beauties.

MOZ: You'll never hear Trouble again now.

ME: How and why did Nobody Loves Us not make it to LP?

MOZ: There are many reasons why tracks have to be left behind/forgotten. I perhaps didn't realise how much Nobody Loves Us would be appreciated. Also the subject matter was difficult and raw.

I also had a private conversation with OM on Tuesday, straight after I had published my blog entry in which I had guessed that Ricky Gervais was to be the guest writer. Here is some of the conversation:

MOZ: Have you always been good at guessing?

ME: I was British 'Guess Who' champion from 1988-2009 - are you telling me that I guessed correctly about Gervais?

MOZ: Perhaps. Have you decided not to publicise your blogging? (Ed - this comment was made in relation to the fact that I had published my blog entry without posting it on Twitter, which I normally do)

ME: Sometimes I do. I did yesterday but still no one read it.

MOZ: I view FTM as a historical document of sorts now. I would like to encourage you to carry on if I may? Would a snippet of the new parody lift your spirits?

ME: Of course I'll carry on. I don't mind if no one reads it. Yes, a snippet would be nice.

It just goes to show that despite being dragged through far more than 15 miles of shit, and despite Morrissey often giving the impression that he cares about no one, there really is a softer side to him. Did he post me a snippet of the new parody to lift my spirits? Did he fuck!

Image result for morrissey arms open

There has been no sign of Dawn in the main bar of The Arms either yesterday or today, although Broken did pop in very briefly just before closing time last night to ask Portland Jo, "Who the fuck are you?" - his charm has been greatly missed.


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