Sunday October 14th 2018 - Day 2586 - Wide to receive

All remains quiet in The Wrong Arms, with OM having seemingly taken himself off to the lighthouse. The only thing I have to report is a Thursday afternoon tweet from Broken - lyrics from Morrissey's Wide to Receive:

"Download something
Useful, or useless
Because I'm lying here
Wide to receive
Almost anything
You'd care to give"

Is this a clue to a song on the upcoming set? I very much doubt it. Wide to Receive hasn't been sung live since it first appeared on the 1997 album, Maladjusted.

The use of the word 'anything' in those lyrics is not only very funny, but a perfect example of what sets Morrissey out from the songwriting herd - in such a song of desperation, most songwriters would write that they were lying wide to receive anything you'd care to give, but Mozzer, even when desperate, throws in that humorous 'almost', just as in Lifeguard on Duty where he adds the word 'partially' to the sentence, "I'm always  good, I'm never bad, and I've always been so kind to the sick and to the partially blind" - other songwriters would have gone for the simpler, obvious, and humourless, "kind to the sick and to the blind". Genius.

In other news, there is no other news.

Tomorrow I am going to Highgate to watch Ricky Gervais doing a 'Work in Progress' for his forthcoming Super Nature tour - I wonder if Dan Abnormal will be there? Whilst in Highgate, I am hoping to visit the infamous cemetery (cemetry?), which not only houses the bones of Karl Marx, but now is the eternal home of George Michael. I have made-up a little sentence, which I may crayon onto George's stone: 'Ere thrice the sun done salutation to the dawn'.... actually, I'll save those words for the demise of Dawn Mist.

*Goes off singing* A dreaded sunny day, so let's go where we're happy and I'll meet you at the cemetry gates, Oh, Biebs and Drake are on your side, but you lose, 'cause the funny, mystic Mozzer is on mine


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