Wednesday July 18th 2018 - Day 2499 - Roaring and raging

A couple of new Morrissey interviews have appeared online, but neither give the Guardian anything to use in their 'Hate Morrissey' campaign, so they haven't mentioned them....although no doubt they'll find something, so we'll probably see something hateful in the Observer on Sunday.

The first interview is with the Polish version of Esquire, and it's actually quite a nice little interview, with Moz in humorous mood. One such piece of humour is a quote about Viva Hate guitarist, Vini Reilly. Morrissey is asked if he feels that Reilly is unappreciated and replies, "Unappreciated by whom? I'm sure his mother loves him."

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Also in the Esquire interview, Morrissey is asked why anyone who already has all his albums should buy the new compilation, This Is Morrissey, to which he replies, "I look very good on the cover." - it's a valid point!

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The most revealing thing from the Esquire interview is Morrissey's own favourite song from Low In High School. He describes the LP as, "roaring and raging" before adding, "but my favourite song is the quieter, 'In Your Lap'."

Morrissey also told Esquire that he believed we are all slaves, saying, "I do not know anyone who can be who they want to be. We are all being tracked and labelled, taxed and prosecuted, we are all subject to laws that no one has agreed with."

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The second of the new interviews is with an Australian blog called I Like Your Old Stuff. Reflecting on Morrissey's first solo album release of thirty years ago, the interviewer (Scott McLennan) asks Morrissey what has changed about him since then, and got the reply, "I didn't know anything then. I was appallingly gauche, ridiculously fragile and completely unknowable as a human being. Now, I can at least find an excuse to leave the room...which is progress."

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In reply to the question, 'Have you changed?', Morrissey answered, "Have I changed? No. I'm still taboo."

A number of former Morrissey fans reading that last answer will no doubt disagree about him changing, but Morrissey really hasn't changed, it's just that with every interview we have gotten to know Morrissey's opinions and views better - it isn't Morrissey's fault that he isn't what other people want him to be, and in the case of all those turncoats of the past two years, what they actually wanted him to be was an EU supporter - as I wrote last Wednesday. Being a Brexiteer really IS taboo to middle class, Guardian reading lefties.

And whilst I am on the subject of middle class, Guardian reading, turncoat Morrissey fans, another who has deemed it necessary to publicly put the boot in is Tim Booth, the lead singer of James, who in an interview with The Press Association earlier this month said, "He (Morrissey) did some very kind things for us so therefore it's hard for me to say he's a dick but he's being a dick at the moment."

Like many others who have recently put-in the boot, Booth doesn't actually state what it is that Morrissey is supposed to have said or done that constitutes "being a dick", but once again it is quite plain to see what the reason for his childish outburst is - Brexit! Booth, just like ALL the others who have turned, is a Remainer.

In the interview with Esquire Morrissey stated that if he were to suddenly speak against Brexit, he would still get criticised, and he is no doubt correct, but one thing is for sure, if Moz hadn't ever spoken in favour of Brexit then the likes of: Booth, Bragg, Riley, Rossiter etc would NEVER have turned on him. Booth owes EVERYTHING to Morrissey, and turning on him just because Morrissey  doesn't support the European Union must leave Moz feeling truly disappointed in his old friend. Booth, like all the others, is truly pathetic.    

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Probably the most insightful thing to come from the I Like Your Old Stuff interview is Morrissey's YouTube watchings. Moz stated that he no longer watches TV, but listed a number of fascinating interviews on YT: Huey Newton, James Baldwin, W H Auden.

Morrissey signed off from the interview with this rather good description of his body of works:

"It's a well-developed history, I think, and I don't envy anyone else. It's still a joy for me to listen, and I'm still unable to imagine anything else other than music. I am pleased, and I have a strong identity. Most pop artists start with dreams and then it turns into a career. I haven't reached the career stage yet. When a new album is recorded, life begins again."  

Image result for morrissey recording la fab mozziah

In other news, there is no other news.


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