Saturday July 28th 2018 - Day 2509 - Free yourself, be yourself, come to The Arms and see....
There was excitement in The Wrong Arms on Thursday afternoon following the appearance of Morrissey (as @Alfsbutton) who announced, "Parody in progress. Setting - Morrissey Mansions. Currently in attendance: The Seminal Artiste, Boz, Bracewell. More attendees expected. TheRatsBack was not invited but arrived nonetheless." The tweet was 'liked/favourited/love hearted' by 20 different people, including a number of names that I didn't recognise, so it does make one wonder if there are more people silently observing all these shenanigans than one might have thought. The Alf Twitter account has had a recent swell in it's number of followers, and now totals 130! Fame, fame, fatal parody fame. One of those followers is infamous Moz photographer, Kevin Cummins (@KCMANC) - has Kevin finally realised that there is something in this MorrisseysWorld/Blue Rose nonsense after all? KEVIN CUMMINS Another who has suddenly taken an interest in our story, and is interacting with ...