Send me your feedback!

Hey there pixies! I know it's been some time since i last posted. Don't worry i didn't forget you ... :p
I just wasn't able to .. BUT i'm preparing a new post :D 
Till then i'd like you to please please send me some feedback! Tell me about your opinion on the blog, what you like and what you dislike, and suggest anything you'd like to see here!
 I'll be more than glad to read and reply to all of your e-mails at !
 (yeah i know....... it's a long e-mail adress XD).
Don't hesitate to request new posts or send me your ideas,
share your tips and secrets or even send me your artworks (pixie hollow/disney fairies related only )  ! 
I'm looking forward to your e-mails!

?10/8/13 Crystal Airshine


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