Tuesday August 14th 2018 - Day 2526 - Puttin' on the Ritz?

All has been quiet in The Wrong Arms in recent days as Morrissey continues to record his new covers LP in LA. In fact, the only thing to report is one solitary tweet from Our Mozzer yesterday, but more about that later. Firstly, I must make mention that a tuba/sousaphone playing session musician named Devon Taylor posted a photo on his Instagram account on Friday of himself with Moz and Joe Chiccarelli along with the following statement: "Played Sousaphone for Morrissey in the studio tonight. He likes him some spanky tuba."

I don't have an Instagram account, and don't really understand how it works, but it has also been reported that 'Taylor the Tuba' added another photo of himself with the wording, "Got a last minute call for a session tonight - Hangin in Hollywood". Coincidentally, and I am sure that in this circumstance it is a genuine coincidence and not one of our coincidences, Devon was wearing what looks to be a blue rose in the photo! He isn't the first Devon to be associated with Morrissey and blue roses.


Following the revelation that a tuba had been used by Morrissey, speculation immediately began amongst fans as to which 'song with a tuba' Morrissey is doing a cover of.  I tweeted to (jokingly) suggest perhaps it was Whipped Cream by Herb Alpert , Shake a Tail Feather by Ray Charles or  Something Happened to Me Yesterday by The Rolling Stones.

Yesterday at 11.52pm (3.52pm LA time), Morrissey (as Alf) arrived in The Wrong Arms and sang (Ed - can one actually sing on Twitter?!?) these words:

Have you seen the well-to-do
Up and down Park Avenue

The words are; as even a peasant like me knows, lyrics from the Irving Berlin song, Puttin' on the Ritz - a song which features a tuba! Could Morrissey be giving us a heads up on the 'tuba song' he is covering, or is he just toying with us? I'm going for the latter. Incidentally - as opposed to coincidentally - Puttin' on the Ritz was covered by one of Morrissey's heroes, Herb Alpert back in 2013, and also incidentally, Devon Taylor attended the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music.


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