Thursday June 7 2018 - Hidden in plain sight (The real and proper Day 2458)
On Monday May 28 Our Mozzer (as @Alfsbutton) tweeted, "Free Tommy Robinson". I wrote about the tweet the following day on this wonderful blog of mine. The real Morrissey had NEVER made mention in public of the broadcaster/political activist, Tommy Robinson.
On Tuesday June 5 a new Morrissey interview was published on - the interview was conducted by Fiona Dodwell. In the interview Morrissey stated, "It's very obvious that Labour or the Tories do not believe in free speech... I mean, look at the shocking treatment of Tommy Robinson."
Coincidence? YESSSSS!
On Thursday February 1 2018 Our Mozzer (as @DawnTheSecond) tweeted about Paloma Faith's voice as follows, "I do not think it's a voice. More a distressed chime. Or am I describing myself? One can hardly tell these days. I blame the sound of the lighthouse seagulls." I wrote about the tweet the following day on this mesmerizing blog of mine. The real Morrissey had NEVER made mention in public of 'seagull sound'.
In the interview published on Tuesday, Morrissey stated, "I don't think I sound like anyone else, and this is often a traumatic problem... because modern music and modern radio must have a common seagull sound".
Coincidence? YESSSS!
Morrissey continues to tweet whilst hidden in plain sight, but will anyone who hasn't already realised sit up and take note following these latest 'coincidences'? NO, of course not!
This latest interview is one of the best ones in years, with lots of wit and lots of good quotes, but all that anyone seems interested in discussing online is Morrissey's heinous crime of mentioning the name, Tommy Robinson; a mention that expressed NO opinion whatsoever about Robinson himself or what he stands for, Morrissey merely stated that treatment of Robinson had been shocking, which indeed it has been - in fact so shocking that over half a million people have signed a petition insisting he be released from prison.
The online 'news' outlets and the Social Justice Warriors who have spent the past 48 hours screaming hysterically, "racist, racist, racist" in Morrissey's direction are repeating their behaviour from last October, when Morrissey happened to mention the name Anne Marie Waters; again without actually mentioning at that stage whether he supported her or not. Have we really reached the point where you can't actually say somebody's name without it being presumed that you support that person. If this is the case, anyone who dares to utter the name Adolf Hitler or Beryl Reid is, by the definition of the press and SJWs, a supporter.
What is interesting is that Morrissey is currently under attack equally by both the right wing press and the left wing press, which pretty much gives the conclusion that his views are central - which is probably one of the reasons why he named his website Morrissey Central. In the interview with Ms Dodwell, Morrissey states, "I don't think the word 'racist' has any meaning any more, other than to say "you don't agree with me, so you're a racist." People can be utterly, utterly stupid." It's true of course, and those people he was referring to have once again proven his point.
Also in the interview Morrissey ridicules the press for snobbery and the tiresome headline of 'Bigmouth Strikes Again'; which is wheeled out every single time he says something new, and right on cue, the snobby sounding Sebastian Murphy-Bates yesterday published a piece for the Daily Mail with the headline, 'Bigmouth Strikes AGAIN!'..... it's all so VERY dull, dull, dull.
Quite a lot of people jumped on the anti-Morrissey bandwagon yesterday, including the lead singer of The Charlatans, Tim Burgess, who tweeted, "The irony of Morrissey being a gammon." Gammon is a modern day insult which is used by those who 'think' they are on the left of the political spectrum, to insult people who they see as racist, white, middle-aged men who voted to leave the EU. The best comeback to Burgess's 'gammon' tweet came from Morrissey impersonator, Paul Freeyourself (@Viva__Morrissey) who replied to Burgess, "You do realise that you insulting Morrissey is like an extra from Hollyoaks insulting Laurence Olivier?".
I must confess, I am disappointed in Burgess, I thought he was one of the was more intelligent ones. I was wrong - The irony of Burgess being a charlatan.
Whilst on the subject of Paul Freeyourself; who Our Mozzer has mentioned a few times in parody pieces, it was brought to my attention the other day that Paul is a fan of FTM, so yesterday I tweeted him to see if he believed it was the real Morrissey interacting with us. He doesn't!....which goes to show how little he knows.
And whilst on the subject of Morrissey tribute acts, one of the more bizarre Twitter accounts to turn on Morrissey yesterday was @TheSmythsUk - a Smiths tribute band. The Smyths posted a tweet to distance themselves from Morrissey, and suggested that people, "just remember The Smiths as they were". The tweet was later deleted when it obviously dawned on someone in the band that they could lose their livelihood by taking an anti-Moz stance. The question is though, what sort of people would wish to make money on the back of someone they deem to be racist? It is bad enough that The Smyths are foolish cunts, but to be hypocritical parasitical cunts as well makes them the lowest of the low. I have seen The Smyths play on many occasions, but NEVER again.
There was a lot of anger on Twitter yesterday, as Morrissey fans and ex-Morrissey fans battled it out. At one point we even had The Smyths and Paul Freeyourself at each others' throats, which made for mild entertainment.
Another person to attack Morrissey was mobile DJ, Dave Haslam who; as I reported last month, has released a book which he is using Morrissey's name to promote - another Judas parasite. Haslam was delighted to report on Twitter yesterday that Shelagh Delany's daughter, Charlotte (@charmalotta) had tweeted the following about Morriseey, "He better not nick any more of my mum's dialogue....she wouldn't like it." Shelagh is, of course, dead, so Charlotte has no idea whether her mother would like Morrissey using lines from her work. She certainly didn't mind when she was alive, and one would like to think that Shelagh would have shown more intelligence around the subject of Morrissey than her easily influenced daughter is currently showing.
Our old friend GOB (Sabine Maltby @GirlOnBike1102) was another one who couldn't help but put the boot into Mozzer, and when I pointed out to her that she was once again making a fool of herself, she blocked me.....AGAIN! When I tweeted to say that I had been blocked by her, Morrissey (as @Alfsbutton) replied, "Sie oder ihr Sohn?", which is German for, "She or her son?" I have to say that I burst out laughing as I read the translation because Mozzer was referring to the time GOB had a big fall-out with Morrissey (as Broken) back in 2014, when she called him a fag; which she later tried to deny by suggesting her young son had hacked into her Twitter account. He's a funny bloke is Mozzer.
A parody piece was written about 'Fag-gate' by Broken in the comments section of Day 868 - it is very amusing.
I wonder if Morrissey is immune to all this nonsense by now. It must hurt him when he sees people turn on him when he has done absolutely nothing wrong. Maybe he just laughs at such idiocy.
So many people were discussing Morrissey on Twitter yesterday that he became the 7th most discussed trending subject. The only comment made by Our Mozzer to any of the many fools was at 10pm last night, when he replied to a singer called James Kennedy (@JamesKennedyUK); who I must confess, I have never heard of. Kennedy accused Morrissey of saying, "redundant, needlessly provocative & offensive things", to which Moz (as @Alfsbutton) replied, "I've been saying things outside of the norm for decades. Am I offensive? Only for the easily offended." Kennedy didn't reply - well what could he say? What can any of these fools say?
Ricky Dan (@nothappysad75) reinforced OM's tweet to James Kennedy by adding, "And the brainwashed". Ricky Dan's role in this story is to argue that Alf isn't Morrissey, not to join him in battle! He really is a contradictory old thing.
There were two contenders yesterday for tweet of the day. The first one was from the previously mentioned Morrissey impersonator , Paul Freeyourself, who in reply to me asking him if he believed that the person we interact with on Twitter was the real Morrissey, replied that he didn't like to see people impersonate Morrissey. Oh, the irony. I felt compelled to point out to Paul that he himself impersonates Morrissey and he replied, "It's an easy mistake to make, but in actual fact I don't. I don't sign bad cheques in his name, nor do I extort money out of lonely housewives on the internet by pretending I'm Morrissey, I occasionally get up onstage and sing his songs dressed a bit like him, that's all." And they call me deluded!
The second contender for tweet of the day yesterday came from a Twitter user called Rachel Cosens (@Rachel_Cosens) who was replying to a tweet from the incredibly forgettable Reverend & The Makers (@Reverend_Makers); a band who once had a solitary Top 10 hit a number of years ago, who had tweeted that, "Morrissey is a proper cock isn't he". Rachel replied, "Yep. Always thought The Smiths would have been better without him too." And that, ladies and gentlemen, just about sums up how mad everyone has become lately.
On Tuesday June 5 a new Morrissey interview was published on - the interview was conducted by Fiona Dodwell. In the interview Morrissey stated, "It's very obvious that Labour or the Tories do not believe in free speech... I mean, look at the shocking treatment of Tommy Robinson."
Coincidence? YESSSSS!
On Thursday February 1 2018 Our Mozzer (as @DawnTheSecond) tweeted about Paloma Faith's voice as follows, "I do not think it's a voice. More a distressed chime. Or am I describing myself? One can hardly tell these days. I blame the sound of the lighthouse seagulls." I wrote about the tweet the following day on this mesmerizing blog of mine. The real Morrissey had NEVER made mention in public of 'seagull sound'.
In the interview published on Tuesday, Morrissey stated, "I don't think I sound like anyone else, and this is often a traumatic problem... because modern music and modern radio must have a common seagull sound".
Coincidence? YESSSS!
Morrissey continues to tweet whilst hidden in plain sight, but will anyone who hasn't already realised sit up and take note following these latest 'coincidences'? NO, of course not!
This latest interview is one of the best ones in years, with lots of wit and lots of good quotes, but all that anyone seems interested in discussing online is Morrissey's heinous crime of mentioning the name, Tommy Robinson; a mention that expressed NO opinion whatsoever about Robinson himself or what he stands for, Morrissey merely stated that treatment of Robinson had been shocking, which indeed it has been - in fact so shocking that over half a million people have signed a petition insisting he be released from prison.
The online 'news' outlets and the Social Justice Warriors who have spent the past 48 hours screaming hysterically, "racist, racist, racist" in Morrissey's direction are repeating their behaviour from last October, when Morrissey happened to mention the name Anne Marie Waters; again without actually mentioning at that stage whether he supported her or not. Have we really reached the point where you can't actually say somebody's name without it being presumed that you support that person. If this is the case, anyone who dares to utter the name Adolf Hitler or Beryl Reid is, by the definition of the press and SJWs, a supporter.
What is interesting is that Morrissey is currently under attack equally by both the right wing press and the left wing press, which pretty much gives the conclusion that his views are central - which is probably one of the reasons why he named his website Morrissey Central. In the interview with Ms Dodwell, Morrissey states, "I don't think the word 'racist' has any meaning any more, other than to say "you don't agree with me, so you're a racist." People can be utterly, utterly stupid." It's true of course, and those people he was referring to have once again proven his point.
Also in the interview Morrissey ridicules the press for snobbery and the tiresome headline of 'Bigmouth Strikes Again'; which is wheeled out every single time he says something new, and right on cue, the snobby sounding Sebastian Murphy-Bates yesterday published a piece for the Daily Mail with the headline, 'Bigmouth Strikes AGAIN!'..... it's all so VERY dull, dull, dull.
Quite a lot of people jumped on the anti-Morrissey bandwagon yesterday, including the lead singer of The Charlatans, Tim Burgess, who tweeted, "The irony of Morrissey being a gammon." Gammon is a modern day insult which is used by those who 'think' they are on the left of the political spectrum, to insult people who they see as racist, white, middle-aged men who voted to leave the EU. The best comeback to Burgess's 'gammon' tweet came from Morrissey impersonator, Paul Freeyourself (@Viva__Morrissey) who replied to Burgess, "You do realise that you insulting Morrissey is like an extra from Hollyoaks insulting Laurence Olivier?".
I must confess, I am disappointed in Burgess, I thought he was one of the was more intelligent ones. I was wrong - The irony of Burgess being a charlatan.
Whilst on the subject of Paul Freeyourself; who Our Mozzer has mentioned a few times in parody pieces, it was brought to my attention the other day that Paul is a fan of FTM, so yesterday I tweeted him to see if he believed it was the real Morrissey interacting with us. He doesn't!....which goes to show how little he knows.
And whilst on the subject of Morrissey tribute acts, one of the more bizarre Twitter accounts to turn on Morrissey yesterday was @TheSmythsUk - a Smiths tribute band. The Smyths posted a tweet to distance themselves from Morrissey, and suggested that people, "just remember The Smiths as they were". The tweet was later deleted when it obviously dawned on someone in the band that they could lose their livelihood by taking an anti-Moz stance. The question is though, what sort of people would wish to make money on the back of someone they deem to be racist? It is bad enough that The Smyths are foolish cunts, but to be hypocritical parasitical cunts as well makes them the lowest of the low. I have seen The Smyths play on many occasions, but NEVER again.
There was a lot of anger on Twitter yesterday, as Morrissey fans and ex-Morrissey fans battled it out. At one point we even had The Smyths and Paul Freeyourself at each others' throats, which made for mild entertainment.
Another person to attack Morrissey was mobile DJ, Dave Haslam who; as I reported last month, has released a book which he is using Morrissey's name to promote - another Judas parasite. Haslam was delighted to report on Twitter yesterday that Shelagh Delany's daughter, Charlotte (@charmalotta) had tweeted the following about Morriseey, "He better not nick any more of my mum's dialogue....she wouldn't like it." Shelagh is, of course, dead, so Charlotte has no idea whether her mother would like Morrissey using lines from her work. She certainly didn't mind when she was alive, and one would like to think that Shelagh would have shown more intelligence around the subject of Morrissey than her easily influenced daughter is currently showing.
Our old friend GOB (Sabine Maltby @GirlOnBike1102) was another one who couldn't help but put the boot into Mozzer, and when I pointed out to her that she was once again making a fool of herself, she blocked me.....AGAIN! When I tweeted to say that I had been blocked by her, Morrissey (as @Alfsbutton) replied, "Sie oder ihr Sohn?", which is German for, "She or her son?" I have to say that I burst out laughing as I read the translation because Mozzer was referring to the time GOB had a big fall-out with Morrissey (as Broken) back in 2014, when she called him a fag; which she later tried to deny by suggesting her young son had hacked into her Twitter account. He's a funny bloke is Mozzer.
A parody piece was written about 'Fag-gate' by Broken in the comments section of Day 868 - it is very amusing.
I wonder if Morrissey is immune to all this nonsense by now. It must hurt him when he sees people turn on him when he has done absolutely nothing wrong. Maybe he just laughs at such idiocy.
So many people were discussing Morrissey on Twitter yesterday that he became the 7th most discussed trending subject. The only comment made by Our Mozzer to any of the many fools was at 10pm last night, when he replied to a singer called James Kennedy (@JamesKennedyUK); who I must confess, I have never heard of. Kennedy accused Morrissey of saying, "redundant, needlessly provocative & offensive things", to which Moz (as @Alfsbutton) replied, "I've been saying things outside of the norm for decades. Am I offensive? Only for the easily offended." Kennedy didn't reply - well what could he say? What can any of these fools say?
Ricky Dan (@nothappysad75) reinforced OM's tweet to James Kennedy by adding, "And the brainwashed". Ricky Dan's role in this story is to argue that Alf isn't Morrissey, not to join him in battle! He really is a contradictory old thing.
There were two contenders yesterday for tweet of the day. The first one was from the previously mentioned Morrissey impersonator , Paul Freeyourself, who in reply to me asking him if he believed that the person we interact with on Twitter was the real Morrissey, replied that he didn't like to see people impersonate Morrissey. Oh, the irony. I felt compelled to point out to Paul that he himself impersonates Morrissey and he replied, "It's an easy mistake to make, but in actual fact I don't. I don't sign bad cheques in his name, nor do I extort money out of lonely housewives on the internet by pretending I'm Morrissey, I occasionally get up onstage and sing his songs dressed a bit like him, that's all." And they call me deluded!
The second contender for tweet of the day yesterday came from a Twitter user called Rachel Cosens (@Rachel_Cosens) who was replying to a tweet from the incredibly forgettable Reverend & The Makers (@Reverend_Makers); a band who once had a solitary Top 10 hit a number of years ago, who had tweeted that, "Morrissey is a proper cock isn't he". Rachel replied, "Yep. Always thought The Smiths would have been better without him too." And that, ladies and gentlemen, just about sums up how mad everyone has become lately.
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