
Showing posts from December, 2017

Day 2395

Following on from Morrissey's declaration that both the BRS and I are dead to him, he has now closed the Morfessa twitter account - Morrissey has left the building. I would imagine that Our Mozzer is in a low place at the moment; which is hardly surprising following all the crap that followed the Der Spiegel interview, and the tour ending abruptly. I had hoped that The Wrong Arms could have been a place of refuge for Morrissey, but he has obviously decided that our little band of outsiders are not the ones he wishes to be around at the moment. Hopefully he manages to find somewhere else where he can find a bit of happiness. Unless Morrissey returns, I shall make this my last blog entry; after all, there is no point scratching around if our journey has come to an end. The doors to The Wrong Arms remain open.

Day 2392 - You Have Killed Me

I spent most of yesterday compiling 'The Morrissey Live Chart of 2017'. Although Morrissey didn't accept a blue rose this year; the first year he hasn't accepted one since he first started accepting them in 2012, there were still plenty of on-stage nods to the BRS, including: THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT (LIVE IN MONTERREY 29.3.17)   - A NOD TO DAWN MIST (FTM DAY 2123) FIRST OF THE GANG TO DIE (LIVE IN MONTERREY 29.3.17)   - A RED ROSE ACCEPTED (FTM DAY 2123) SUEDEHEAD (LIVE IN GUADALAJARA 1.4.17)   - MORRISSEY COMING ON STAGE AT TEN PAST MIDNIGHT (FTM DAY 2127) WHEN LAST I SPOKE TO CAROL (LIVE IN TUSCON 10.4.17)  -  ADDED TO THE SET AFTER I REQUESTED A YOR SONG (FTM DAY 2130) LAST NIGHT I DREAMT THAT SOMEBODY LOVED ME (LIVE IN DALLAS 15.4.17)   - IN RESPONSE TO HEATHER TWEETING ABOUT THE SONG (FTM DAY 2140 ) GLAMOROUS GLUE (LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO 4.11.17) - ADDED TO THE SET AFTER THE SUBJECT OF GLUE WAS DISCUSSED IN THE WRONG ARMS (FTM DAY 2343) (I...

Day 2391 - Satanic conspiracy

I have often made mention of comments left on FTM by ConMorrissey Theorist; or Jon the Con  as I call him. I have always presumed that Jon is a Morrissey pessoa; which Morrissey denies, but whether Jon is a creation of Morrissey's or not, he is certainly interesting. This morning Jon  left a couple of interesting comments on my previous blog post . Here is the first: Unbelievable!   A NZ crime drama series where the "blue rose society" are united by the rose and tattooes.  They try to discover the secret of blue rose.  Every episode is named after a Smiths song.  Morrissey's first ever tweet. "Testing, testing. One, two..."  Precisely Dale Cooper's words at the start of Twin Peaks.  Perhaps it is a Satanic conspiracy after all...  Jon   Wikipedia tells us that the The Blue Rose television series was commissioned in December 2011, which is EXACTLY the same time as Morrissey's Blue Rose S...

Day 2390 - "The construction of genius"

As I counted down the ' Most Watched Morrissey Video Chart 2017 ' in The Wrong Arms yesterday afternoon, we were joined by the man himself (as Morfessa), although it was only very briefly. He tweeted, "I am not staying. I have people to offend", to which I replied, "Your full time're good at it too!", and subsequently got the response, "I offended twenty people by the time I had gargled this morning." Before he disappeared, old Mozzer left this message for me via DM: "Stop your chart immediately. Good. The interview questions are being answered. Now continue. From Alf." He then added, "Would you like a sneak peak of an answer?" As I was counting down the chart, I hadn't seen the message, so didn't reply immediately. Two minutes later I got a, "Far too slow." Bloody impatient lyrical geniuses! They're all prima donnas. The interview questions that Morrissey was referring to, were ones ...

Day 2389 - The Most Watched Morrissey Video Chart 2017

On  Day 1638 of FTM  I published a chart of the most watched Morrissey videos on Youtube. The following year - on Day 2044 - I produced a similar chart for 2016, and today I am publishing the same chart for 2017. Last year the chart comprised all 46 of the singles that Morrissey had released, but some of the videos were fan-made and not official releases, so this year I have taken those out. In previous years I didn't include the officially made videos for Seasick, Yet Still Docked or Ganglord; as these two songs weren't released as singles, but as they are officially made videos, I have this year included them. The chart now becomes a true reflection of, 'The Most Watched Morrissey Video of the Year'. Morrissey's debut single, Suedehead, tops the chart for the third year in a row with a total number of views for 2017 of 6,725,465, which is more than double last year's figure of 3,272,029. There are two new entries this year, with Spent The Day In Bed coming ...

Day 2386 - Another fifteen miles...

Today's topics are: 1. The Promise 2. Morfessa 3. That interview 4. Astra on FTM 5. Happy Jacky 6. Morrissey's State Of The Union Address 1. THE PROMISE On December 9th Morrissey recommended a TV series to me - The Promise, which is set mainly in Israel. Over the course of last week I watched the four part series, and was convinced that I was going to discover something within it which would stand out as an influence for one or more of the songs on Low In High School. Having finished watching the last part on Friday, I gave thought to the lyrics of four of the songs on LIHS that make mention of Israel/Tel-Aviv/Arab Springs to see if there was an obvious link. Here are my conclusions: When You Open Your Legs: The song starts with the lyrics, "4am and once again, I'm asked to leave this club in Tel-Aviv", and goes on to state, "everything I know deserts me now, when you open your legs". In The Promise the central character, Sergeant Len Matthews, meets ...

Day 2381 - A dark world aches for a splash of the sun...

I am continuing to search through my drawers looking for an old MorrisseysWorld blog article that references the band wearing turquoise outfits;  as mentioned by Morrissey pessoa, 'Jon the Con' on Sunday . I haven't yet been able to locate the said article, but I am certainly having some fun re-reading some of the old MW classics, and have also stumbled across a few FTM entries that were never published. One such FTM entry is Day 1098 from September 17th 2014 , which it would seem I didn't publish at the time, because I was disillusioned at the lack of interest or interaction with both Morrissey and FTM. I have now published Day 1098, along with a few others. And as it is a dull, rainy day, here is one of those old MW classics to warm your cockles. It is from late August 2011. Enjoy: Mozzer's Perspective: A Dark World Aches For a Splash of the Sun, Def Leppard grease balls and other topics Dumb ass  teens with fixed grins fall out of buses and fast food death shops...

Day 2380 - Lists of the live

Since 'Jon the Con' mentioned on Sunday morning that the new Morrissey video for Jacky was a "loveletter to Blue Rose Soc.", and that there was an old MorrisseysWorld blog article that made mention of getting the band to dress in turquoise , I have been trying to find the MW article in question, but as yet I still haven't managed to find it. What I have found though, is an old MW article from August 2011 , which states: "Operating through Youtube, Twotter and Blogger and Facebook, my intention is to be the new Justin Bieber." And here we are in 2017, and Morrissey now has an official Youtube channel, Twitter and Facebook - who's have thunk it? The blogger account remains somewhat, unofficial! My search for all things turquoise continues. THE NEW BIEBER As I mentioned in Sunday's blog , on Saturday I decided to go through the set lists of all seventeen Morrissey/Smiths concerts I've attended, and make a list of every song I had ever seen Moz ...