
Showing posts from April, 2018

Friday April 20 2018 (The real and proper Day 2410) - For Britain

Yesterday, the leader of the political party For Britain , Anne-Marie Waters, posted an open letter to Morrissey on her website , thanking him for his, "recent kind words." Morrissey has responded to this by today posting a message on his Morrissey Central website titled, I've Been Dreaming Of A Time When/ the English/ are sick to death of Labour and Tories . Here are his words: I despise racism.  I despise fascism.  I would do anything for my Muslim friends, and I know they would do anything for me.  In view of this, there is only one British political party that can safeguard our security.  That party is  For Britain .  Please give them a chance. Listen to them. Do not be influenced by the tyrannies of the  MSM  who will tell you that  For Britain  are racist or fascist - please believe me, they are the very opposite!!! Please do not close your mind.  Labour is hopelessly naive.  Theresa May�s policies have turned Britain in...

Thursday April 19 2018 (The real and proper Day 2409) - Found, found, found

The word 'Morrissey' spent all day Tuesday trending on Twitter, but not because of a previously unheard song that has emerged but because, of course, the interview that was published on Monday. Morrissey must laugh his arse off as he reads the comments of all the snowflakes he has managed to 'outrage'. The predictability of it all is so.... predictable. Morrissey's response to all the faux outrage  was to simply post a picture of his cat on the Morrissey Central website. The fall-out from Monday's interview has seen more so called Morrissey fans denounce him on Twitter, although actually it is just the same people who denounced him before - why do they hang around? Their view says nothing to me about my life, now move away. Billy Bragg is one such bore who keeps taking to Twitter to denounce Moz. We get it, Billy, now just fuck off. BILLY THE SNOWFLAKE I also thought that Charlatans singer, Tim Burgess, had also been sucked in by the propaganda of the loony left...

Tuesday April 17 2018 (The real and proper Day 2407) - More messages from Morrissey

A pattern seems to be emerging - Morrissey publishes something on his new Morrissey Central website on a Monday, and I then write a blog about it on a Tuesday. Yesterday's Message From Morrissey is titled There Is A Light That Must Be Switched On , with a sub-heading, Morrissey Talks To John Riggers April 2018. The piece is a lengthy in-depth interview, which I can't reproduce here as there is a request that it isn't reproduced without the permission of John Riggers c/o Morrissey Central. I have no idea who John Riggers is, but apparently the interview is for a Portuguese publication in September. Here are some of the highlights: 1. Morrissey is taking SPIN magazine to court for publishing something that could place him in danger - presumably the article from November with the very fake headline, 'Morrissey Says He Would Kill "Vermin" Donald Trump "For the Safety of Humanity"'. SPIN really won't be able to offer any defence, as Morrissey DIDN...

Tuesday April 10 2018 (The real and proper Day 2400) - Interlude

There has still been no sign of Morrissey in The Wrong Arms, and it would appear that we are very much in an interlude. There would also appear to be an interlude in Morrissey's professional  career if the new article that has appeared on Morrissey Central is to be believed. The article; which was published yesterday, and is titled The Secret of Music,  consists of the following: 1. Thanks to fans for the recent tour 2. A swipe at the art-hounds at The Independent and Guardian 3. Thanks to Radio 2 4. Top 12 Tour List 5. Thanks to venues for going 100% vegan 6. Release of Back On The Chain Gang 7. The Strange Death of Europe 8. Johnny Rogan 9. More thanks to fans I'm not too sure why the article has been given the heading The Secret of Music, but it is clear that Morrissey is in a very good place at the moment. It starts off with Morrissey announcing,  "With great relief, some pride and joy, I express my sincere thanks to you for our recent UK/Mexico tour - which, impossi...

Tuesday April 3 - New beginnings

When I wrote my previous blog entry just over a week ago, I didn't expect to be returning again so soon, but there have been happenings in the world of Morrissey....  BIG happenings. First of all, a new 'official' Morrissey website has been launched -  - and it looks to be the replacement for True-To-You, which Morrissey hasn't used now for over a year. MORRISSEY CENTRAL HOMEPAGE - FEATURING JOS� GRECO The first articles placed on Morrissey Central; which launched last Wednesday, are the covers of all the recent singles, plus the cover for All The Young People, which would tend to suggest it is scheduled for release sometime soon. There is also an article on M Central dated March 23rd (posted on 28th) titled Why The Independent Hates Independence , which is basically all about how the Independent newspaper; who recently published a scathing article about Morrissey , are anything but independent, which is what I wrote on March 19 . Morrissey points ...