
Showing posts from June, 2017

Will be back soon!

Hello, my sweet little pixies!Crystal here! I don't know if there are any of you left that still hang out here, since I have been missing for so long but just know I had a very good reason for my absence! I will explain everything I promise! But just know that I haven't just been inactive on here but on fairyabc as well and well...everywhere really, I don't have the time to come online right now :( I WILL, however, be back sometime in Jully with a lot of great stuff for the blog and you guys! For now enjoy this "summer look" which is basically a recycled look from 2016 hahah (If you notice the banner, you'll see it says"Summer 2016 lol ). Remember this? : And also a #Tbt what the blog looked like in Summer 2013 :P A lot has changed since then...including my editing skills thankfully XD When I'm back I'll bless you guys with a new,beautiful summer look for the blog ,2017 style :P ;) Until then have fun, hope u all have a very very happy summer!...